Guidelines to writing blogs
ACTO warmly welcomes blogs on all subjects relating working online therapeutically. They are an opportunity for the writer to share their professional experience and for the reader to quickly be engaged in a summary of the subject in question. A blog is not a detailed piece of work, rather it is an inspirational piece of work by an author who wants to share a message about a subject they are passionate about.
Here are some guidelines for blog writing:
- We recommend that blogs are 500 – 1,000 words (excluding references).
- Not every intellectual thought ends up as a research article – a blog is a great way to share your ideas. That way, none of your valuable professional thoughts and views go to waste. Writing a blog article helps to establish you as an authority in your area of interest. It also helps in building a stronger professional network which is something we encourage in ACTO.
- If you are reading this you probably already have an idea for a blog. This is important as your passion for your chosen subject needs to shine through.
- Choosing a title is really important: try to make it catchy – ask colleagues or friends to brainstorm some ideas for a title.
- Brainstorm at least points to include in the blog. Some may be leading points, others may be supporting points. Rule out points and arguments that aren’t central.
- Use short paragraphs and less formal language, even a conversational style. In blogging, the style is less formal and paragraphs may be as short as a single sentence or even a single word. Straightforward, easy to read language will make it easier for the reader.
- Avoid jargon, use short sentences and include only one thought per sentence. You should keep sentences short More than that can create complexity. Avoid the passive.
- Be clear, specific and focussed.
- Support your arguments with hyperlinks to online references. Quoting your source is essential – even though this is not an academic or research article.
- You need a short but clear summarising conclusion.
- Finally, search engine optimisation (SEO) is essential. You need to ensure you mention your targeted keywords in the first and last paragraphs, – and throughout the article – to help get recognised by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Many SEO experts recommend that keywords should constitute 2% to 5% of your total word count. You might wish to think careful about these words and ensure you weave them into the blog.
- All blogs must be fully referenced. We suggest using the Harvard style: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/administration-and-support-services/library/public/harvard.pdf
- All blogs will be signed off by the ACTO before publication.
- Blogs should be sent to info@ACTO-org.uk
- All blogs should be written in Word format.
- All blogs will be available in reverse date order (newest first) at https://acto-org.uk/blog/.
Last update: 09 October 2019