What to do if you have reached the requirements for a new level of membership?
We try to make it as easy as possible for you to change your membership within ACTO and our admin team will be more than happy to help you with it. To make it easier we have a little table with options for you and at the bottom of the page you can find the refence sheet to check if you have reached the requirements to level up.
Current membership | Next level membership | Training needed |
Associate -> Student – > | ACTO Member ACTO Professional Member ACTO Senior Professional Member | Depends on training course |
ACTO Member -> | ACTO Professional Member ACTO Senior Professional Member | Depends on training course |
ACTO Professional Member -> | ACTO Senior Professional Member | Diploma level course |
Let’s give an example
As you can can see above you do not have to go through all the membership levels to reach Senior Professional Membership. It all depends on your training.
Let’s say that Jane joins ACTO as an associate. She is interested in online therapy but is not sure yet which training course she wants to follow. She interacts on the ACTO FaceBook group with therapists who have done some training and then contacts ACTO Online Training Providers to see what they have to offer. She decided that online therapy is for her and she enrolled in a diploma level training course which will take her straight to ACTO Senior Professional Member level.
Most ACTO training courses are shorter than one year, even the diploma ones. So Jane stays an associate member (though technically she could switch to becoming an student member and finishes her training). After she qualified she filled in the right application form and sent it off to the ACTO admins with the other paperwork that is needed.
But Jane could have selected to do an entry level course and apply for membership or a certificate level course to apply for ACTO Professional Membership. ** Most training providers will ask you to do a lower training first, so please take that up with the provider of your choosing.
How do I upgrade?
Once you have established that you are eligable for an upgrade you can do this yourself. You log in to the website and then you edit your profile. Here you can upload your new diploma and if eligable fill in a directory entry.
!!! When finished please do not forget to let the admin staff know that you have upgraded so they can check your documents. Your changes will not be live until a member of the admin team has reviewed them.