It is important for every therapist and supervisor to have insurance but when you switch to (also) working online there are some more things to look out for.

What to look out for?
- Is online work (therapy and supervision) covered?
- Am I insured to work outside of the UK (or your country’s) jurisdiction.
- Do UK firms cover overseas practitioners (if you can’t get insurance in your country)
- Are there extra costs for working online?
2021 notes
Brexit means that many UK insurers have stopped accepting overseas practitioners – at least until the new international laws become clearer. At the moment it is very hard to say if and when this is going to change.
The 2020 pandemic has put online therapy on the map and this may mean that more insurers will be offering cover for online work. This may happen in countries where it was impossibility before.
If you are not sure if you are covered for online work, please contact your insurance company and check.
ACTO requires all its members to be insured to work online and to confirm that they are insured each year.